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Sea Turtle Soap and the Sea Turtle Hospital

Potager will donate $.50 for every bar of Sea Turtle Soap sold, commencing August 1st 2024, to the Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Labs. 

On Monday August 12, 2024, we had the privilege of visiting the Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Labs in Saint Augustine, Florida.  Our hosts, the staff at the Sea Turtle Hospital, spent the morning with us.  During the tour we met several of the current patients and learned the details of the Sea Turtle hospitals mission, which is to provide rehabilitation, education and research for sea turtle conservation in Northeast Florida. Their main focus is on the study of Fibropapillomatosis or FP, a mysterious disease that affects all species of sea turtles but especially Green turtles.

As of September 10th, 2024, the hospital has rehabilitated and released 84 sick or injured sea turtles, and rescued and released 1,524 washback hatchlings. 

Click here to Sponsor A Sea Turtle!

Potager created these bars to highlight ways that people can help SAVE SEA TURTLES.  As our packaging states, you can help in three easy steps. 1-Clean: Leave only footprints on the beach and pick up beach littler. 2-Dark: No flashlights. Lights confuse hatchlings. 3-Flat: Flatten castles and fill holes when you leave the beach. These structures can trap vulnerable hatchlings. We thank you for doing your part! 


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