Sep 22, 2023

His grandchildren were there when I dropped off the soap, and they immediately began unpacking and placing bars here and there amid the pumpkins and gourds. I was impressed with their attention to detail!
Kevin’s enthusiasm for the Family Farm was inspiring. He explained the history of the farm (generations of farmers from both the King and Smith family lines) and it’s buildings. One of his aspirations was to build a place for his family to gather, and he’s done a remarkable job of achieving this goal.
As we walked, Kevin pointed off in the distance showing me how the land spread across the valley and seemed to reach into the hillside and mountains beyond. I could be mistaken, but I believe he said he harvested over 30,000 gourds this first season, which is an impressive feat! There were also mums and pumpkins as far as the eye could see.
Soon there will be Christmas trees! I can’t wait to see what this beautiful family farm has in store for the future.